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Our calanders are based on the time taken for the earth to orbit the sun (1 year) and the time taken for the earth to spin once on it's axis (1 day). The phases of the moon, or the moon orbiting the earth, doesn't really come into it, but it takes around 29 days for the moon to orbit us.

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8mo ago

The phases of the moon are based on the moon's cycle around the Earth, which is about 29.5 days long. The calendar incorporates this cycle when tracking dates and events based on the lunar phases. Some calendars, like the lunar calendar, specifically align with the phases of the moon, while others, like the Gregorian calendar, use the lunar cycle to determine certain dates, such as the timing of Easter.

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14y ago

That is called waning..When it comes back to full, that journey is called waxing.

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14y ago

The moon does not interact with the phases. All the phases really are are the reflection of sunlight off of the moon to Earth. So, the phases and the moon do not interact at all.

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