1 hour = 3,600 seconds
1 mile in 21.851 seconds = 3600 / 21.851 = 164.75 miles per hour
If you run at 14.5 mph, you would cover one mile in approximately 4 minutes and 8 seconds.
It takes 45 seconds.
27 miles per hour.
To convert 5280 feet to miles, divide by 5280 to get 1 mile. Then, to find the speed in miles per hour, divide 1 mile by the time taken in hours (22 seconds converted to hours is 22/3600 = 0.00611 hours). Therefore, the speed is 1 mile / 0.00611 hours = 163.35 mph.
To convert 22 feet per second to mph, multiply by 0.681818. So 22 feet per second is approximately 15 mph.
Approx 18.56 mph.
Approx 16.17 mph.
55.3 mph
About 9 minutes 40 seconds.
A quarter mile in 10.6 seconds = about 85 mph average speed.
About 163 mph
80 mph
3600/28 mph
If your average speed for the whole mile is 4.5 mph, your finishing time will be around 13 minutes 20 seconds.
About 767 mph ... it varies with temperature. OR about one mile in 5 seconds.
If a runner runs a mile in 4 minutes 30 seconds he is averaging 13.33 MPH over the total distance.