

How has the agency theory been described?

Updated: 6/14/2024
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13y ago

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agency theory is to help devise techniques for describing the conflict inherent in the principal-agent relationship and controlling the situations so that the agent, acting from self-interest, does as little harm as possible to the principal's interest

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Agency theory describes the relationship between principals (such as shareholders) and agents (such as managers) in organizations. It focuses on potential conflicts of interest that may arise when agents make decisions on behalf of principals and suggests mechanisms to align the interests of the two parties. The theory aims to address issues of agency cost, control, and monitoring to ensure that agents act in the best interests of the principals.

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What is contained in the agency theory?

Agency theory is a theory explaining the relationship between principals, such as a shareholders, and agents, such as a company's executives. In this relationship the principal delegates or hires an agent to perform work. The theory attempts to deal with two specific problems: first, that the goals of the principal and agent are not in conflict (agency problem), and second, that the principal and agent reconcile different tolerances for risk.

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How would you describe agency theory?

Agency theory pertains to the relationship between two parties; the first is the principal (or principals) and the second, the agent (or agents), who are engaged as employees or independent contractors.

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Two forms of agency theory have developed: positivist and principal-agent (Jensen, 1983). Positivist researchers have emphasized governance mechanisms primarily in large corporations.

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What issues does agency theory examine?

Agency TheoryAccording to Investopedia, "Agency theory is a very academic term. Essentially it involves the costs of resolving conflicts between the principals and agents and aligning interests of the two groups." It examine issues like, at what risk level will both debt holders ,manager ,and ultimately shareholder benefit maximally from investements undertaken by the companyAgency theory is also commonly used to examine the condition of slaves in the antebellum United States. Agency theory argues that slaves had some say in the way they were treated, such as by affecting their sale and their market value. Agency theory has also sometimes been used however, as something of an apology for slavery, and is therefore sometimes controversial.