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4w ago

On average, the temperature drops about 1 degree Celsius for every 100 meters of elevation gain. This relationship is known as the environmental lapse rate. So, to lower the temperature by 1 degree Celsius, you would need to climb approximately 100 meters.

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The temperature drop from 3 degrees Celsius to -7 degrees Celsius is 10 degrees.

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Allow the water to circulate through a radiator, which will conduct the heat to the air, and let the cool water drop a short distance into the return reservoir. This will stimulate the convection circulation.

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Water is nicknamed the universal solvent. Its temperature can drop and as long as it is wet it will wash clothes, dishes, and more. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0 degrees Celsius. So about 33 degrees Fahrenheit, and 1 degree Celsius, are close to the minimum washing temperature.

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The temperature in Russia is 7 degrees Celsius. Depending on the region, winters can drop below -65 degrees Celsius.

How is temperature effected by every 100metres of altitude?

Temperature typically decreases by around 0.6°C for every 100 meters increase in altitude. This phenomenon is known as the environmental lapse rate.

What is the normal body temperature in Celsius for an 83 year old senior?

With older adults, it is common to see body temperature drop by up to one degree Celsius. Most older adults sit just a little lower than 37, all part of normal age related changes in the senior population.

Which layer of the atmosphere has a temperature drop of 6.5 degrees celsius per km?

The layer of the atmosphere that has a temperature drop of 6.5 degrees Celsius per kilometer is the troposphere. This temperature change is known as the environmental lapse rate and is a key characteristic of the troposphere, the layer closest to the Earth's surface where weather occurs.