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extreme swagger is the apparent answer.

Just kidding. Large scale maps are usually used for a bigger city to show more of a general space. On the other hand smaller scales are used for more detail

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8mo ago

Small scale maps and large scale maps both represent geographic features and locations. They differ in the level of detail they provide; small scale maps show a larger area with less detail, while large scale maps show a smaller area with more detail. Both types are used for navigation and spatial analysis.

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Q: How is a small scale maps and large scale maps similar?
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How many types of maps are there according to scale?

There are three main types of maps according to scale: small scale maps, medium scale maps, and large scale maps. Small scale maps show a large area with less detail, medium scale maps cover a moderate area with more detail, and large scale maps provide detailed information for a small area.

What are three scale classification of maps?

Small, medium, large

How is a small scale map different from a large scale map in points?

The main point is that very little detail can be shown on a small scale map due to lack of space. Small scale maps show a large area, motorways, main roads, etc. A large scale map is used when showing details is important. A large scale map will show churches, country lanes, footpaths, etc, over a very small area.

How is the use of small scale maps different from the use of large scale maps?

If details are needed (larger) smaller or fewer details (small)

What are the advantages or characteristics of a small scale map?

Small scale maps can cover a large area of countryside, but can not show much fine detail due to lack of space available on the map's sheet. A motorist is likely to use a small scale map, as the motorist is likely to travel a long way. Large scale maps can show much more detail, but can only cover a small area of countryside. A walker is likely to use a large scale map, as the walker may not travel far, and may need to follow footpaths. Having field boundaries marked on the walker's map is a great help.

Related questions

What is the difference large scale and small scale maps?

Large scale maps are enlarged maps to show cities and sometimes small towns. Small scale maps are maps shrunken down only to show countries and continents. -The person-

What is the difference between large-scale maps and small-scale maps?

Large scale maps are enlarged maps to show cities and sometimes small towns. Small scale maps are maps shrunken down only to show countries and continents. -The person-

How many types of maps are there according to scale?

There are three main types of maps according to scale: small scale maps, medium scale maps, and large scale maps. Small scale maps show a large area with less detail, medium scale maps cover a moderate area with more detail, and large scale maps provide detailed information for a small area.

Is selecting map projection more important for small scale or large scale maps?

small scale

What are the three map scales?

The three map scales are small scale, medium scale, and large scale. Small scale maps cover large areas with less detail, medium scale maps cover regions with more detail, and large scale maps cover smaller areas with the most detail.

How is the use of small-scale maps different from using large-scale maps?

If details are needed (larger) smaller or fewer details (small)

How is the use of small-scale maps different from the use of large-scale maps?

If details are needed (larger) smaller or fewer details (small)

How is the use of small-scale maps different from the use of large- scale maps?

If details are needed (larger) smaller or fewer details (small)

How is the use of small-scale maps different from the use of large scale maps?

If details are needed (larger) smaller or fewer details (small)

What are three scale classification of maps?

Small, medium, large

What are the three scale classification of maps?

Small, medium, large

What are large scale maps used for?

large scale maps are used to show detailed information about a small area for such things as residential planning, hiking, and military purposes.