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Use a container with a liquid (water). Mark the level of the liquid on the container. Insert the small solid sample. Mark the level of the liquid now on the container. compute the difference between the two marks. You can use traditional computation for calculating volume.

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5d ago

The density of a small solid sample can be determined by using the displacement method. This involves submerging the sample in a known volume of liquid (such as water) and measuring the volume of liquid displaced. The density is then calculated by dividing the mass of the sample by the volume of liquid displaced.

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Q: How is the density of a small solid sample whose mass and volume is difficult to measure is determined?
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How do you measure density of parafinic oil?

To measure the density of paraffinic oil, you can use a hydrometer or a digital densitometer. Simply place the instrument in the oil sample and record the reading to determine the density. Alternatively, you can also calculate the density using the formula: Density = mass / volume, where the mass is measured using a balance and the volume can be determined using a graduated cylinder.

What instrument is used to measure density how i measure density of acid in battery?

A hydrometer can be used to measure the density of a liquid. To measure the density of acid in a battery, you can extract a small sample of the acid and then place the hydrometer in the sample. The hydrometer will float at a certain level, which corresponds to the density of the acid.

What is the density of a mineral sample with a mass of 20 g and a volume of 12 cm?

Density is the measure of mass per unit volume. Volume cannot be measured in centimetres (cm). Without a measure of volume, the answer is indeterminate.

Density can be determined using the formula?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. The formula for density is D = m/V, where D is density, m is mass, and V is volume. Density is usually expressed in units like g/cm^3 or kg/m^3.

How can you work out the density of salt in water?

To calculate the density of salt in water, measure the mass of a given volume of the solution using a balance. Then, divide the mass of the solution by the volume of the solution to determine the density. Keep in mind that the density will vary depending on the concentration of salt in the water.

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How do you measure the density of a material?

-- Get a piece of the material. It doesn't matter what size it is. -- Measure the mass of the sample. -- Measure the volume of the sample. -- Divide the mass by the volume. The result is the density of the material.

How can you find the density of?

Take a sample. Measure its mass and volume. divide. Density = m/v

What instrument is used to measure density how i measure density of acid in battery?

A hydrometer can be used to measure the density of a liquid. To measure the density of acid in a battery, you can extract a small sample of the acid and then place the hydrometer in the sample. The hydrometer will float at a certain level, which corresponds to the density of the acid.

How can you find the density of saltwater?

Take a sample. Measure its mass and volume. divide. Density = m/v

What is the identity of a sample that has a mass of 2.44 g and a volume of 0.34 cm3?

The identity of the sample can be determined by calculating its density, which is mass divided by volume. In this case, the density would be approximately 7.18 g/cm³. By comparing this density to known values for different substances, you can identify the sample based on its density.

How do you measure wood's density?

The same way you measure the density of any other material. Divide the mass of a sample by its volume.

Is turbidity and optical density is same?

Turbidity measures the cloudiness of a liquid caused by suspended solids, while optical density measures the amount of light absorbed by a sample. They are related in the sense that turbidity can affect optical density measurements, but they are not the same. Turbidity is a measure of the scattering of light by particles in a sample, while optical density is a measure of the absorption of light by a sample.

What measurement must you make to find the density of a sample of matter?

To find the density of a sample of matter, you need to measure its mass and volume. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the sample by its volume.


To determine the density of graphite, you need to measure the mass and volume of the graphite sample. You can then calculate the density by dividing the mass of the sample by its volume. The density of graphite is around 2.2 g/cm³.

Is it true that the larger the sample of a mineral the greater its density?

No, the density of a mineral remains constant regardless of the size of the sample. Density is an intrinsic property of the mineral and is determined by its composition and structure. It is typically expressed in units of mass/volume, so a larger sample will have a proportionally greater mass and volume, resulting in the same density.

How do you test the density of wood?

One common method to test the density of wood is to measure the mass and dimensions of the wood sample, then calculate its volume. By dividing the mass of the wood sample by its volume, you can determine the density of the wood in grams per cubic centimeter. Another method is to use a densitometer, a device specifically designed to measure the density of materials like wood.

Density can be determined using the formula?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. The formula for density is D = m/V, where D is density, m is mass, and V is volume. Density is usually expressed in units like g/cm^3 or kg/m^3.