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Tin is used to coat metals to prevent corrosion (tin cans are made from tin coated steel).

Tin is also an alloying agent. Important tin alloys such as soft solder, type metal, fusible metal, pewter, bronze, bell metal, babbitt metal, white metal, die casting alloy, and phosphor bronze.

The Pilkington Process is used for producing glass; this involves floating molten glass on molten tin to produce a flat surface.

Tin salts are sprayed onto glass to produce electrically conductive coatings. These salt treated panes can be used for panel lighting and for frost-free windshields.

Some magnets are made of crystalline tin-niobium wire, which is super conductive at low temperatures. These magnets weigh just a few pounds; yet produce magnetic fields comparable to those of 100-ton electromagnets.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Tin is commonly used as a coating for steel to prevent corrosion, in the production of electronic components such as solder, and in food packaging to create tin cans. Additionally, tin is used in dental amalgams and as a component in some glass products.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Used to coat steel to pevent rust. Mixed with lead to make electrical solder, mixed with lead and antimony to make bullets, mixed with copper to make bronze.

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