The word "doesn't" can be abbreviated as "doesn't."
The logarithmic unit of measurement "decibel"" is abbreviated as "dB"
Fructose is abbreviated as Fru and sucrose is abbreviated as Suc.
Barometric pressure is often abbreviated as "BP" in meteorology and scientific contexts.
Such that centimetre can be abbreviated to cm, millimetre can be abbreviated to mm.
The stadium name is Oriole Park at Camden Yards. This is sometimes abbreviated as OPACY
Abbreviation for cubic yard is, simply cu. yd. or yd3. It can also be abbreviated as CY.
This is often abbreviated as r.This is often abbreviated as r.This is often abbreviated as r.This is often abbreviated as r.
A micrometer is typically abbreviated as "ยตm".
It is abbreviated M.N.
It is abbreviated to the "web".
Percent is abbreviated pct. or the sign %
ORG is how organization is abbreviated.
Decibel is abbreviated as "dB."
It is abbreviated to the "web".
Syria is abbreviated as SYR.
Please just give me the abbreviated version.