1/2 L = 2.11 cups
1 liter = 4.22 cups
1 cup = 0.23 L
1 L = 4 metric cups
There are approximately 4.2 cups in one liter.
1 cup [US] = 0.237 liter 1 cup [metric] = 0.25 liter (29.6 ml per fluid ounce) (1000 ml per liter) (1 cup is 8 fluid ounces) So... (8 oz X 29.6 ml) / 1000 ml = 0.2368 liter
There are approximately 33.8 ounces in a liter. Therefore, you can get about 11.27 three-ounce servings from a liter.
No, one liter is equal to about 4.22 cups.
There are 0.125 cups in one fluid ounce.
There are approximately 4.2 cups in one liter.
There are 4.227 cups in one liter.
One and a quarter cups
That is 4.409 cups.
4.22 cups in a liter.
One US fluid ounce is about 0.029 liters.
1.7 liters is the equivalent of 7.18547 cups
1 cup [US] = 0.237 liter 1 cup [metric] = 0.25 liter (29.6 ml per fluid ounce) (1000 ml per liter) (1 cup is 8 fluid ounces) So... (8 oz X 29.6 ml) / 1000 ml = 0.2368 liter
28.34 ml of water in one ounce
3.79 liter is a gallon.
There are approximately 4.2 cups in a fluid liter.