There are 1.58 meters in 5 feet 2 inches, and 5.49 meters in 5 meters 3 inches.
152 cm is approximately equivalent to 4 feet 11.84 inches.
It takes 2.54 centimeters to make 1 inch. You can chop up 1 inch and make 2.54 centimeters.
Assuming each person occupies about 1.5 feet of space, you would need roughly 131,477,418 people to form a chain around the Earth's equator, which is approximately 24,901 miles long.
A polypeptide chain is a chain of amino acids, which make up proteins
12 inches make an inch
You can make paper chain angels, make spaghetti necklaces or bracelets, or paint bird houses together.
about 328 feet (328 feet and 1.015625 inch)
Circumference of a 25 feet circle = pie x diameter x 12 942.477 inch 1 feet = 12 inch so i converted into inch as i am having the other component in inch No of 12 inch long blocks = circumference /12 so total 78 pieces will be required to make a circle of dia 25 feet
You can craft necklaces in Whiskerton, Cat Isle, but to make seashell or pearl necklaces, you need to talk to Deidra on Hoof Isle.
the 25-inch-diameter
12 inches make an inch
They used rocks and stones to make necklaces. The Pharaohs (rulers) made necklaces out of rubies and precious stone. Even sometimes gold, like found in Tutankhamen's sarcophagus.
An inch is measured in sixteenths so 16/16 make an inch. And yards are measured in 3 feet so 3ft make one yard. And there are 36 inches in one yard. 16sixteenths=1inch 12inches=1foot 3 feet=1yard
9*4=36 so 36 necklaces in 2 hours
You can make 500 feet of shelving that's 2 feet wide and 1 inch thick, but you'll need some more materials to assemble it with.