A bushel is the largest unit (size) classification for dry raw goods such as wheat, rye, or barley. A gallon is the largest unit of classification for liquid goods such as milk or orange juice (and yes, orange juice can be commonly sold in gallon sized containers).
About 38.49 5 gallon buckets in a cubic yard. a 5 gallon bucket is 10 inches at the bottom 11 inches at the top and 14 inches tall so it holds .02598 of a cubic yard or .7 cubic foot or 1212.262 cubic inches and the about part depends on compaction.
Approximately 8 pounds
It is estimated that a five-gallon bucket can hold approximately 43,584 grains of sand.
A bushel is a unit of volume equivalent to 8 gallons. Therefore, 1 bushel is equal to 1.6 five-gallon buckets of beans. This calculation is based on the conversion factor of 1 bushel = 8 gallons and 1 gallon = 0.2 five-gallon buckets. So, 8 gallons รท 5 gallons = 1.6 five-gallon buckets.
It takes about 7.5 pounds of peas to make a bushel of peas. This means that it takes about 1 1/2 five gallon buckets of peas to make a whole bushel of peas.
There are approximately 48 three-gallon buckets in a cubic yard of soil.
A bushel is 8 gallons and each bushel of produce (based on tomatoes, corn, beets, peppers, and squash) generally weighs 50 pounds. Therefore, each gallon would weigh 6.25 pounds (50 divided by 8). So 5 gallons would weigh approximately 30.25 pounds. This is not precise as it will depend how tightly the beans are packed, but it should be close.
28 pounds of green beans is in a bushel excluding the container they are in!
Expect to get about a gallon to a gallon and a half out of a bushel of apples
32-33, five(5) gallon buckets in one cubic yard or sand. ur welcome :P
There is about four gallons of water in an average bucket of water.
1 yd³ = 201.97 gallons 403.94 ÷ 5 = 80.79 buckets
Most types of beans will have around 60 pounds to the bushel, unless the crop was stressed to the point to where it had shriveled seed.