14.08There are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter.
One milliliter is 0.001 liter.
Approximately 12 ounces equal 355 ml.
A standard serving of Dr Pepper is 355 mL or 12 fluid ounces.
There are 2660 ml in 2.66 liters.
21059 ml = 21.059 liters. 1000 ml = 1 liter
A standard coke can has a diameter of about 66 millimeters.
355 mL = 0.355 LTo convert from mL to L, divide by 1000.
Millilitres and ml are the same measurement - ml is the abbreviation for millilitres. Therefore, no conversion is to be made.
That is approximately 355 ml.
There are 1000 mL in one Liter, so: 355 mL = 0.355 Liters Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis355 ml*1 l 1000 ml=0.355 l
1 liter = 1000 ml 1.5 liter = 1500 ml so 1500 ml > 355 ml or 355 ml < 1.5 liters
In my area we have 355 ML cans (This is most common but not only size) so 355 X 4 = 1420 1420 / 1000 = 1.42 Liters Go to the fridge and read a can, then put that in in place of my 355
2 litres is also 2,000 millilitres. - that is greater than 355 ml
You need six cans, and you would have 130 mls left over.6 * 355 = 2.13 L
Approximately 12 ounces equal 355 ml.
355 ml + 250 ml is equal to 605 ml.
First things first, get a calculator and multiply 355 by 2. BUT, if you don't know how to use a calculator or how to simply multiply, it would be 710 ml3552___710
5 liters and 570 ml