To convert liters to ounces, you need to know that 1 liter is equal to approximately 33.814 ounces. Therefore, 2 liters would be equal to 67.628 ounces. Since there are 8 ounces in 1 cup, you would divide 67.628 by 8 to find that there are approximately 8.41 eight-ounce cups in 2 liters.
8 liters is 270.512 fl oz
There are approximately 67.6 fluid ounces in a 2-liter bottle. Therefore, you would need approximately 8.45 bottles of 8 oz each to equal 2 liters.
Two liters is equal to approximately four 16.9-ounce bottles.
There are approximately 270.51 fluid ounces in 8 liters.
There are approximately 27.05 ounces in 0.8 liters.
8 liters is 270.512 fl oz
8 liters is 270.51 fluid ounces.
There are approximately 67.6 fluid ounces in a 2-liter bottle. Therefore, you would need approximately 8.45 bottles of 8 oz each to equal 2 liters.
heres a good conversion website:
8 US fl oz = 0.237L
Two liters is equal to approximately 8.5 8-oz glasses of water.
20 liters equates to about 841/2 8-ounce servings.
That is 13.288 glasses.
Eight fluid ounces is equal to approximately 0.237 liters.
It takes about 12.6 8-oz bottles to equal three liters.
0.23 L 1 liter = 33.814 oz 1 oz = 0.02 L