There are 0.1875 square miles in 120 acres.
To convert 140 x 340 feet to acres, first calculate the area in square feet: 140 x 340 = 47,600 square feet. Then, divide the result by the conversion factor of 43,560 square feet per acre to get 1.09 acres.
One acre is 43,560 square feet. The conversion would be 1.79 acres.
One acre is 43,560 square feet. The conversion would be .220 acres.
It is not possible to determine the exact distance in miles based solely on the area measurement of 120 acres. Acres measure the total area, not distance.
340 acres = 137.59 hectares
340 square miles = 217,600 acres.
Answer: 340' x 450' (153,000 square feet) = 3.51239 acres.
80 X 340 = 27200 sq ft. An acre has 43,560 sq ft therefor 80 X 340 is .6244 acres.
1 square mile = 640 acres340 square miles = (340 x 640) = 217,600 acres
There are 0.1875 square miles in 120 acres.
Answer: 120 acres = 5,227,200 ft²
1.20 acres = 52,270 square feet.
To convert 140 x 340 feet to acres, first calculate the area in square feet: 140 x 340 = 47,600 square feet. Then, divide the result by the conversion factor of 43,560 square feet per acre to get 1.09 acres.
5,227,200 square feet in 120 acres.
639.9974 acres = one square mile 340 divided by 639.9974 = .531252158211892....... so approximately one half square mile
Answer: 53,040 ft² = 1.21763 acres