In 2011, Tulsa, OK had 26 days where the temperature reached or exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
A year, 9.6 inches.
It is 180000 acres.
91,904 total acres.
Tulsa, OK is 5262 miles from Venice, Italy. A flight from Tulsa, OK to Venice, Italy takes about eleven hours.
There are 495.96 miles to travel to get from Tulsa, OK to Houston, TX.
Tulsa, Oklahoma is about 574 miles from Rochester, Minnesota. A flight from Tulsa, OK to Rochester, MN takes about 2 hours.
It is 640 miles from Tulsa, OK to Indianapolis, IN.
The address of the Suburban Acres Library is: 4606 N Garrison Ave, Tulsa, 74126 3260
About 697 miles.
The setting is Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960's.
The address of the University Of Tulsa is: , Tulsa, OK 74104-9700
It is about 1500 miles...
about 200
12 hours