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Depends on the chemistry, as different chemistries give different cell voltages.

If it's Alkaline, there'll be 8 cells inside.

If it's Lead-Acid, there'll be 6 cells inside.

If it's Ni-Cd or NiMH there'll be 10 cells inside.

This is assuming that all the cells are connected in series. Otherwise, all bets are off.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Depends on which type it is, which voltage the battery is expected to deliver.

A 12 volt lead acid battery usually has 6 cells. (2 volts each with cells in series) A 6V battery would have three cells etc.

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15y ago

It depends on the size of the battery. |Amps is usually measured on a car battery in cca (cold cranking amps) The higher the number the more power the battery has, or stamina, the longer it will last.

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14y ago

Car batteries are nominally 12.6 VDC fully charged. They are designed to "crank" the starter motor and run various devices in the car. They have a Cold Cranking Amperage (CCA) as well as an ampere hour rating. Each battery will be different. A typical value of CCA might be in the 600-900 A range.

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11y ago

There is no exact answer to this question--it depends on the load, and its not exactly linear. Assuming you are talking about a lead-acid automotive battery, it might be able to deliver two or three thousand watts for several seconds, or 100 watts for several hours.

The capacity of automotive batteries is rated in ampere-hours; you can multiply by 12 to get a rough approximation of the watt-hour energy capacity.

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8mo ago

The amount of current a 12-volt battery can put out depends on its capacity and the load connected to it. Generally, a typical car battery can deliver around 400-600 amps of current.

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15y ago

Please re define your question's terminology.

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14y ago

My BCI group size 65 / 12 volt car battery is rated at 650 cold cranking amps , but it

varies with the battery

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13y ago

Depends on the battery you have. When buying an auto battery buy the largest CCA you can find.

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14y ago

It depends on the source.

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Q: How many amps does a 12 volt battery put out?
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You can charge a 12 volt battery with a 6 AMP charger. The amount of amps put out by the charger is actually the rate which the power flows out from the charger, not the amount of volts it will charge. Volts and Amps are two different things. You can't charge up a 12 volt battery all the way, using a 6 volt charger. You can charge a 12 volt battery with a 12 volt charger rated at '6 amps'. It will charge the battery faster than a 2 amp charger will, but it will take longer than using a 12 amp charger. You probably don't want to use anything higher than a 12-16 amp charger for charging a 12 volt battery. Some chargers are equipped with a 60amp boost charge that is used for starting the vehicle, without having much of a charge in the battery. You DO NOT want to attempt charging a battery with it set to a 60amp boost charge. That is for starting vehicles only and could damage your battery. Keep in mind that the lower the amps are, that you use to charge the battery (1-2amps), will result in the charge lasting longer without recharging it, than if it was charged up at a higher setting (12-16amps).

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Yes, you can use a twelve volt car battery charger. Be sure to set it on low.

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No. Unless you put it in a sock and hit someone with it.

What happens if you put the wrong size battery in a 2003 pt cruiser?

Nothing as long as it was a 12 volt battery.

How many amps does a c battery give out?

A C battery typically provides around 1 to 1.5 amps of current. However, the actual amperage can vary based on the specific brand and type of battery, as well as the devices used with it.

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That will depend on the sum of the load resistance and the internal resistance of the battery (this is true for all power sources, not just 6 volt batteries). Small compact batteries tend to have higher internal resistance and therefore are more limited in the current they can deliver to a given load than larger batteries.