One pound is equal to approximately 453.592 grams. To convert grams to cubic centimeters (cc), you need to know the density of the substance in question. Density is typically expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3), and once you have that information, you can determine the volume in cubic centimeters.
There are approximately 2.69 cc in 0.091 fl oz.
10 cc is equal to 0.01 liters.
There are 0.04 units in 0.04 cc.
There are 450 cc in 4.5 dL.
There are 473.176 milliliters in a pound. Since 1 milliliter is equal to 1 cubic centimeter (cc), there are the same number of cc's as milliliters in a pound, which is 473.176 cc's.
450 cc of breast silicone typically weighs around 1 pound.
One pound is 454 gm. of water. This is the same as 454 cc.
CC is unit of volume and lb is unit of weight. These two cannot be compared.
One pound is equal to approximately 453.592 grams. To convert grams to cubic centimeters (cc), you need to know the density of the substance in question. Density is typically expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3), and once you have that information, you can determine the volume in cubic centimeters.
None. A pound is a measure of mass while 600 cc is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other. 600 cc of air will have far less mass than 600 cc of lead, fro example.
100cc the bigger the better
Conversion: Naptha is 0.75 g / cc or 1.333 cc/g Conversion: 1000 cc = 1 l Conversion: 453.59237 g = 1 pound. Conversion: 2000 pounds = 1 ton 1 ton * 2000 lb/ton * 453.59237 g/lb * 1.333 cc/g * 0.001 l/cc = 1209.579653 liters.
12 mph
That is 5,000 cc
2,750 cc