One US gallon = 231 cubic inches.
1 US gallon is equal to 3,785.41 cubic centimeters. Therefore, 3.0 US gallons is equal to 11,356.23 cubic centimeters.
1 US gallon = 231 cubic inches.
1 gal (US) = 231 cu in 1 gal (imp) = 277.42 cu in
There are approximately 3.785 liters in a gallon.
1 US gallon equates to 3,785,411.78 cubic millimeters.
300mm3 is 0.000079252 US gallons.
One US gallon = 231 cubic inches.
One US gallon = 231 cubic inches.
1 US gallon is 231 cubic inches.
1 US gallon = 0.00378541178 cubic meter
3785.4117841 US gallon = 3,785.4 cubic centimeters
One US gallon = 0.003785 cubic meters.
One US gallon = 0.003785 cubic meters.
There are 4 quarts in a gallon, so a cubic gallon contains 4 ^ 3 = 64 cubic quarts.
1 US liquid gallon = 0.004 cubic meter
1 gallon(US dry)=4405 cubic cm 1 gallon(US liquid)=3785 cubic cm