There are 21 pints in 42 cups. Each pint is equal to 2 cups, so to convert cups to pints, you divide by 2.
1 pint = 2 cups 2 pints = 4 cups 3 pints = 6 cups . . . 31 pints = 62 cups
There are 18 cups in 9 pints. This is because one pint is equivalent to 2 cups.
29.14 imperial or 35us pints in a us cup anyway
There are 14 pints in 7 quarts. This is because 1 quart is equal to 2 pints.
21 cups equates to 10.5 pints (US measure).
There are 21 pints in 42 cups. Each pint is equal to 2 cups, so to convert cups to pints, you divide by 2.
That is 43 cups
A pint is 2 cups .. so 2 x 21 +1 .... that is the answer
42 cups pounds and pints are different kinds of measurements.
There is 9 pints
How many cups are in 13 pints? there is 26 cups
12 pints.
42 pints and a cup
5.25 qts. 1 quart = 4 cups And 1 cup = 0.25 quart. There are 32 US fluid ounces (2 pints, or 4 cups) in 1 US quart (946.4 ml). There are 40 Imperial fluid ounces (2 pints) in 1 Imperial quart (1,136 ml). Note that there is no 'cup' in the Imperial system, it is best to use pints or half pints, and not 'cups'.
there is 14 cups in 7 pints
1 pint = 2 cups 2 pints = 4 cups 3 pints = 6 cups . . . 31 pints = 62 cups