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We can't tell the total length of your trip from that information,

but we know that your longitude has changed by one degree.

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Q: How many degrees have you traveled if your local time os different by four minutes from your home ports time?
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How high does the sun get in the sky above Aberdeen Scotland on the summer solstice?

Aberdeen, Scotland is at 57 degrees, 9 minutes north. At the summer solstice, the Sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, at a declination of 23 degrees, 26 minutes north. (This number changes very slowly over the course of the years.) At local apparent noon, when the Sun is highest in the sky, the angular elevation of the Sun above the horizon can always be calculated as 90 degrees minus (latitude minus declination). So in this case, the elevation number is 56 degrees 18 minutes.

How long did the japan 2011 tsunami take to get there?

The magnitude 9.0 earthquake was recorded at 2:46:23 PM local time (05:46 GMT). The tsunami, traveling at about 500 miles per hour, traveled about 80 miles in less than seven minutes. The first waves hit Hawaii about 9 a.m. EST (14:00 GMT) Friday and traveled across the Pacific from Alaska to Chile.

What would be the solar time of a person living 4 degree of longitude east of the noon meridian?

The solar time of a person living 4 degrees of longitude east of the noon meridian would be 16 minutes ahead of local time. This is because the Earth rotates 15 degrees per hour, so for each degree east of the noon meridian, the solar time is ahead by 4 minutes.

Why the prime meridian of India is 82.30 degrees east?

The longitudinal extent of India is 30 degrees. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It takes 4minutes for the sun to move across 1 longitude. Thus the eastern most point of India would be 2 hours ahead of the western most point (30X4=120 minutes) , in accordance with the local time. This difference in time might create confusion in air and rail timings and so many other things across the two states. To avoid this confusion a longitude passing through the mid point of 68 degrees 7 minutes (western most longitude) and 97 degrees 25 minutes (eastern most longitude) is taken as the standard prime meridian ofIndia. The time at the standard meridian 82 degrees 30 minutes which passes through Mirzapur in UP is taken as the standard time of India , followed all over the country.

How long after the earthquake in Japan did the tsunami hit in 2011?

The tsunami hit Japan about 30 minutes after the earthquake on March 11, 2011. The earthquake's epicenter was off the east coast of Japan, generating a large tsunami that caused widespread devastation along the country's coastline.

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If you live at 123 degrees 24' is the local midday time different than 12 noon?

Local apparent noon occurs at 12:13:36 local time at 123 degrees, 24 minutes W.

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The lowest the sun can ever be in the sky at local noon at latitude 6 degrees 34 minutes north is approximately 145 million kilometres.

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there are lots look at the local university's and find out what ones there are. because it depends on where you go for what degrees you want or need.

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It depends on the turnout gear that your local fire department uses, the CSFD's turnout can withstand up to 500 degrees

How long after the earthquake in Japan did the tsunami hit in 2011?

The tsunami hit Japan about 30 minutes after the earthquake on March 11, 2011. The earthquake's epicenter was off the east coast of Japan, generating a large tsunami that caused widespread devastation along the country's coastline.

How high does the sun get in the sky above Aberdeen Scotland on the summer solstice?

Aberdeen, Scotland is at 57 degrees, 9 minutes north. At the summer solstice, the Sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, at a declination of 23 degrees, 26 minutes north. (This number changes very slowly over the course of the years.) At local apparent noon, when the Sun is highest in the sky, the angular elevation of the Sun above the horizon can always be calculated as 90 degrees minus (latitude minus declination). So in this case, the elevation number is 56 degrees 18 minutes.

At what angle does the sun's rays hit the earth on dec 21 sept 23 June 21 and March 21 in Buffalo NY?

In fact, the Sun's rays strike Buffalo, NY at various angles as the Sun rises on the eastern horizon, crosses to the South, and then sets in the west. The only angle that we're really interested in is the "local apparent noon", or "Sun transit" angle. Buffalo is a large city, and the angle will be different on the north edge or the south edge. Niagara Square, pretty close to the city center, is at latitude 42.88 degrees north. Consulting the Nautical Almanac Online for 2011, I see that the declination of the Sun as it passes Buffalo on March 21, 2011 will be 0 degrees 16 minutes north, or 0.27 degrees. On June 21, 23 degrees 26 minutes north, or 23.38 degrees. On September 21, the Sun will be at declination 0 degrees 39 minutes North, or 0.65, and on December 21, 23 degrees 26 minutes SOUTH, or 23.36. So, on March 21, the "local apparent noon" Sun elevation angle above the southern horizon will be 90 minus Buffalo's latitude of 42.88 degrees PLUS the declination of 0.27 degrees, or 47.39 degrees On June 21, the Sun's maximum elevation will be 90 minus 42.88 PLUS 23.38, or 70.5 degrees. I'll let you calculate the other two, remembering to subtract the declination when it is south.

How long did the japan 2011 tsunami take to get there?

The magnitude 9.0 earthquake was recorded at 2:46:23 PM local time (05:46 GMT). The tsunami, traveling at about 500 miles per hour, traveled about 80 miles in less than seven minutes. The first waves hit Hawaii about 9 a.m. EST (14:00 GMT) Friday and traveled across the Pacific from Alaska to Chile.

What schools offer nutrition master degrees?

A degree in nutrition allows a person to seek many different employment opportunities. You can seek a certification in nutrition online or from your local university.

What are the tuition rates at itt technical institute?

Since ITT offers many different education options as well as different degrees you should contact your local finance office and talk to them about payment options. As well as financial assistance.

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It refers to your local weather every 8 minutes starting with 8 minutes after the hour, then 16 minutes and so on.