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Well.. It is a very easy question.. The total degrees in a circle are 360. And total number of hours are 12. So we can get the angle going through 1 hour to be 360/12 = 30 degrees.

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Q: How many degrees of angle going through 1 hour?
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At 1 pm what degrees did the angle on the clock form?

On an analog clock it would be 30 degrees. Each hour is going to be 30 degrees. So at 2 it would be 60 degrees.

What degree of angle is the clock at 1 o'clock?

At exactly 1 o'clock, the hour hand will be at an angle of 30 degrees, and the minute and second hands will be at an angle of 0 degrees.

What is the angle in nearest degrees created by the minute hand and the hour hand at 515?

60 degrees

What does 330 degrees look like?

Think of the old fashioned analog clock at 1 o'clock. Now think of the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand. Not the little angle but the one that goes all the way from 1 through 6 to 12. That angle is 330 degrees.

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It is 22.5 degrees.

Through how many degrees does the hour hand move?

Each hour, it rotates through 30 degrees, every twelve hours, it rotates 360 degrees.

Why the hands of a clock do not form a right angle at 1215 pm?

The minute hand, which is pointing at 3 is at right angles to 12. But the hour hand is no longer pointing at 12. The hour hand does not stay at 12 from 12:00 to 12:59 and then jump through 30 degrees at 1 o'clock. By 12:15, the hour hand has moved 7.5 degrees (clockwise) so at 12.15 the angle is 90-7.5 = 82.5 degrees.

What is the angle when time is 11.20?

At 11:20 the hour hand is pointing to 1/3 of an hour after 11, which is 20 degrees before 12. The minute hand is pointing at 120 degrees after 12. So the angle between the two is 120+20 = 140 degrees.

What angle do the hand form at 10 o'clock?

The minute and hour hands form an angle of 60 degrees at 10 o'clock

If the Earth rotates through 360 degrees in 24 hours through what angle will the Earth rotate in 2 hours?

The Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours, which means it rotates 15 degrees per hour (360 degrees / 24 hours = 15 degrees/hour). Therefore, in 2 hours, the Earth will rotate 30 degrees (15 degrees/hour x 2 hours = 30 degrees).

What type of angle is formed on a clock when it's 10 minutes after 12?

Assuming the hour hand moves steadily for the entirety of the hour, the angle formed by the hour and minute hand would be 55 degrees.

What angle is made by the clock hands at four twelve?

60 degree angle at 4:12 At 4.00 the angle is 120 degrees. In 12 minutes the minute hand moves 72 degrees while the hour hand moves 6 degrees. So that 120 degree angle reduces by 66 degrees in 12 minutes, and the answer is 54 degrees.