There are 946.353 mL in one quart.
There are 1000 milliliters (ml) in one liter (L).
There are 1,000 mL in one liter.
There are approximately 15 ml of milk in one tablespoon.
There are approximately 15 milliliters in one tablespoon.
That is 0.625 ml.
That is 1.573 ml.
30 ml 30 ml
One mL equals 1000µl
One mL is the same as a Cubic Centimeter.
2250 ml
There are 226 ml in 1 cup
That is approximately 248 ml.
One US quart is 946 mL
There are 5 mL in one Teaspoon.
There are five ML in one teaspoon. So 1.87 ML is not even one teaspoon.