A measuring cup is 16 tablespoons or 48 teaspoons or 3648 drops. 1 tablespoon is 3 teaspoons. 1 teaspoon is 76 drops.
The cup's volume can be calculated using the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr^2h, where r is the radius (half of the diameter) and h is the height. Plug in the values to find the volume of the cup. Then, divide this volume by the volume of each drop (1 cubic centimeter) to find out how many drops it would take to fill the cup.
There are approximately 20 drops per milliliter, and 29.6 milliliters per ounce.So, 8 ounces of water would contain approximately:8 ounces X 29.6 mL/oz X 20 drops/mL= 4736 drops.There is no "standard" drop volume, so this is an approximation.
There are approximately 7,680 drops in a gallon.
11mL is 220 drops (20 drops per mL).
There are approximately 29,573.5 drops in one pound of water.
2 drops to 1/2 cup
0.06 cup 1 cup is 48 teaspoons 1 teaspoon is 0.02 cup
The cup's volume can be calculated using the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr^2h, where r is the radius (half of the diameter) and h is the height. Plug in the values to find the volume of the cup. Then, divide this volume by the volume of each drop (1 cubic centimeter) to find out how many drops it would take to fill the cup.
Maybe about a dixie cup full
Its like asking how many pigs in one ton. The number will depend on the density of , surface tension, size, shape, and flow rate of the liquid. 1 mL is +/- twenty drops of H2O. 1gallon = 3785.4 ml = 75708 dps Jeffery A Mathes Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Director Ghorge Research Foundation, Gilberts, Illinois
Glass or Plastic Cup1/4 cup of vegetable oil1 teaspoon of salt1 cup of water5 drops of food coloring
30 drops equals how many tsps?
There are approximately 20 drops per milliliter, and 29.6 milliliters per ounce.So, 8 ounces of water would contain approximately:8 ounces X 29.6 mL/oz X 20 drops/mL= 4736 drops.There is no "standard" drop volume, so this is an approximation.
Depends how large the drops are.
~60 drops solution: 20 drops/mL * 3 mL = 60 drops
Without counting the drops on the inversions there are 3 drops.