The density of Mercury is 13,593 kg/m3 (kilograms per cubic meter). That is equivalent to 113.4 lb/gal [US].(pounds per gallon).
420/113.4lbs is ~3.7 gallons
The 1991 Mercury Topaz has a fuel tank capacity of around 13.5 gallons.
The tank size of the Mercury Villager is approximately 20 gallons.
There is no direct conversion between gallons (volume) and kilogram (weight). However to answer the question, it depends on the density and temperature of the substance in the 5 gallon container. EXAMPLE - Water: One gallon of water weighs about 8.35 pounds x 5 gallons = 41.75 pounds = about 18.94 KG. EXAMPLE - Mercuy: The weight of liquid mercury is about 8 times that of water. Five gallons of liquid mercury would weigh about 151.52 KG.
304 ounces is equal to 2.375 gallons.
There are approximately 0.264 gallons in a liter.
22.5 gallons
20.0 gallons for Mercury Villagers '93-'98.
The ( 1996 ) Mercury Cougar gas tank capacity is ( 18.0 U.S. gallons )
( 26 gallons ) U.S.
2.6 gallons
typically the 1992 Mercury Sable can hold up to 16 gallons
The ( 1996 ) Mercury Cougar gas tank capacity is ( 18.0 U.S. gallons )
( 16 ) U.S. gallons
It can hold about 13 gallons
21 U.S. gallons ( 79.5 liters )
11 us gallons