There are approximately 219.97 Imperial gallons in a cubic meter of water.
1 cubic meter = 264.172052 US gallons.
1 cubic metre equates to 264.17 US gallons or 219.97 Imperial gallons.
There are approximately 219.969 imperial gallons in 1 cubic meter.
1 cubic meter is equal to 264.172 gallons, so 1.4 cubic meters would be 369.04 gallons of water.
There are approximately 219.97 Imperial gallons in a cubic meter of water.
There are 264.2 US gallons in one cubic meter of water.
1 cubic meter = 219.969 Imperial liquid gallons
There area 264.2 (US) gallons of water in one cubic meter of volume.
There are 219.969 Imperial gallons of water per cubic meter.
There are 264.2 US gallons in one cubic meter of water.
One cubic meter of water equates to 264.172 US gallons of water or 219.969 Imperial gallons of water.
One cubic meter = about 220 Imperial gallons.
219.969248 gallons.
79.25 gallons are in 0.3 cubic meters.
1 cubic meter = about 220 Imperial gallons.
About 264.17 US gallons.