8 x 28.3495 grams = 226.8 grams
8 ounces is about 226.8 grams, unless you're talking about gold, in which case 8 ounces is about 248.8 grams.
The ounces used to weigh ordinary stuff are called avoirdupois ounces; the ounces used to weigh gold and precious metals are called troy ounces.
There are approximately 8 ounces in 228 grams.
8 pounds 5 ounces is equivalent to 3,743.707 grams.
There are approximately 0.282 ounces in 8 grams of gelatin.
There are approximately 3,746 grams in 8 pounds 4 ounces.
250 grams of flour is approximately 8.8 ounces.
There are approx 227 grams in 8 ounces of chicken. .
225 grams = 7.94 ounces.
There are approximately 8 ounces in 228 grams.
8 ounces is 226.8 grams.
There are approximately 0.282 ounces in 8 grams of gold.
8 ounces = 226.8 grams.
8 pounds 5 ounces is equivalent to 3,743.707 grams.
227 grams per 8 ounces.
8 pounds 9 ounces is 3883.88 grams.
There are approximately 0.282 ounces in 8 grams of gelatin.
8 ounces is 226.796 grams.
8 ounces x 28 grams/ounce = 224 grams. So 8 ounces wont go into 142 grams one time.