Any people on Neptune most likely divide their day into 12 or 24 hours,for ease of keeping appointments, doing business, and regulating theirschool day, just as we do here.However many Neptunian hours they define it to be, the period of timeis equivalent to 16hours 17minutes of Earth time.
One day on Neptune is equivalent to about 16 hours and 6 minutes. Neptune rotates on its axis at a faster rate compared to Earth, resulting in shorter days.
The rotation of the planet Neptune is much faster than Earth's. It completes a rotational "day" in about 16 Earth hours. So in an Earth year (365.25 Earth days), Neptune completes about 544 Neptune days. In a Neptune year, there are about 89,666 Neptune days.
There are about 0.6713 Earth days or about 16 hours, 6 minutes, 36 seconds in a day on Neptune. (see related link on Neptune)16.11 Earth hours
A day on Neptune, from one sunrise to the next, lasts about 16 hours and 6 minutes.
16.11 hours.
16 hours or 0.67125 earth days
Any people on Neptune most likely divide their day into 12 or 24 hours,for ease of keeping appointments, doing business, and regulating theirschool day, just as we do here.However many Neptunian hours they define it to be, the period of timeis equivalent to 16hours 17minutes of Earth time.
One day on Neptune is equivalent to about 16 hours and 6 minutes. Neptune rotates on its axis at a faster rate compared to Earth, resulting in shorter days.
The rotation of the planet Neptune is much faster than Earth's. It completes a rotational "day" in about 16 Earth hours. So in an Earth year (365.25 Earth days), Neptune completes about 544 Neptune days. In a Neptune year, there are about 89,666 Neptune days.
There are about 0.6713 Earth days or about 16 hours, 6 minutes, 36 seconds in a day on Neptune. (see related link on Neptune)16.11 Earth hours
A day on Neptune, from one sunrise to the next, lasts about 16 hours and 6 minutes.
16 hours
Neptune's day is shorter than Earth's day. A day on Neptune is about 16 hours and 6 minutes, whereas a day on Earth is 24 hours long.
One day on Neptune is approximately 16 hours and 6 minutes.
A year on Neptune is 164.79 Earth daysA day on Neptune is 16 h 6 min 36 s