46 inches = 116.84 centimeters.
1 inch equals 2.54cm. So, 46 inches equals 116.84cm (46x2.54).
To convert inches to centimeters, you can multiply the number of inches by 2.54. So, to convert 46 inches to centimeters: 46 inches x 2.54 = 116.84 centimeters.
46 inches = 116.84 centimeters.
195 millimeters = 7.67716535 inches
2.5 cm = 1"46 cm = 18.4" (1.5')
46 inches = 116.84 cm
Multiply by 2.54. So ~46 cm
46 inches is 116.84 cm.Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula46 in*2.54 cm 1 in=116.84 cm
There 116.84 cm (centimeters) in a 46 inch waist. Or it could be better said, 46 inches is equal to 116.83 cm. Caution Math formula spoiler ahead!: 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters 46 inches x 2.54 centimeters is equal 116.83 centimeters.
18.1 inches = 1 foot 6.1 inches
18 inches or 46 cm
So there are 8 inches in 22 centimeters.
1 cm = 0.394 inches 136 cm = 53.543 inches
The upright fronds of a Chrustmas fern are 1 foot (30 cm) to 3 feet (80 cm) tall. Each frond is 2 inches (5 cm) to 5 inches (12 cm) wide. The width (spread) of the plant is 12 inches (30 cm) to 18 inches (46 cm).
83 cm = 32.68 inches. 83 cm = 32.68 inches. 83 cm = 32.68 inches. 83 cm = 32.68 inches.
Males are 20 to 27 inches (47 - 63 cm ) tall. Females are 18 to 25 inches (46 - 60 cm) tall.