It depends on what's in all those liters.
If they're full of air, then they add up to only about 52.2 kg.
If they're full of water, they add up to about 40,250 kg, or 40.25 metric tons.
If they're full of stones or lead, they make a lot more than that.
If those liters are completely empty, then they contain nothing but a lot of space, and zero kg.
The conversion of kilograms to liters depends on the density of the substance. For water, 1 kilogram is equivalent to 1 liter, as the density of water is 1 g/cm³. For other substances, you need to know the density to convert kilograms to liters accurately.
One kilogram of water is equivalent to one liter. However, for other substances, the conversion from kilograms to liters depends on the density of the substance.
A kilogram is a measure of weight. A gallon is a measure of liquid volume. You cannot convert one to the other. You can, however, convert gallons to liters. 9 gallons is equal to 34.06871 liters. Actually a kilogram is a measure of mass. A kilogram at sea-level weighs 9.8 Newtons. Also at sea level a kilogram has a weight of 2.2 pounds.
There are approximately 1.04 liters in one kilogram.
There is no general conversion between kilograms and liters. A kilogram is a unit of mass. A liter is a unit of volume. You can do the conversion for a specific substance, if you know the density of the substance: mass = volume x density
1 kilogram
.76 kg per liter = 1.32 liters
There are 120 liters in 120 kg of lime. The conversion of liters to kilogram is one is to one.
Approximately 1.8 liters of LPG equal 1 kilogram of LPG.
"Liters" count a region in space. "Kilograms" count mass of a substance. The number of liters that 1.00 kilogram fills depends on the substance. If the substance is air, then 1.00 kilogram of it fills many liters. If the substance is water, then 1.00 kilogram of it fills roughly 1.0 liter. If the substance is lead or stone, then 1.00 kilogram of it fills only a small part of a liter.
1 kilogram of water equals 1 liter.
The conversion of kilograms to liters depends on the density of the substance. For water, 1 kilogram is equivalent to 1 liter, as the density of water is 1 g/cm³. For other substances, you need to know the density to convert kilograms to liters accurately.
Eighteen liters of water, or an eighteen kilogram dumbbell.
One liter of water is 1 kilogram.
It depends on what you are measuring. If it is water, 1 litres is 1 kilogram.
A kilogram equals a litre, IF density is 1 g/ml
6 = 240 / 40250 - 240 = 106 times with 10 remaining