There are approximately 0.45 kilograms in a pound.
"kilo" is used popularly as an abbreviation of "kilogram", and kg is short for kilogram, so it is the same, in this case. Actually, "kilo" is a prefix meaning 1000 (sometimes rounded to 1024, in computer science), which can be used with many different units (kilometer, kilohertz, kilobytes, kiloparsec, etc.
9.07 kilos. The actual conversion of 1 kilogram is equal to 2.204622622 pounds. For everyday use, rounding to 2.2 should be enough. One pound is 0.45359237 kilogram, or 0.45 kg for everyday use.
8.81 pounds and all kilos are metric. The actual conversion of 1 kilogram is equal to 2.204622622 pounds. For everyday use, rounding to 2.2 should be enough. One pound is 0.45359237 kilogram, or 0.45 kg for everyday use.
'Kilos' and 'kg' refer to the same unit of measure; kilograms.
1 you div.
140 (a kilo is the same as a kg or kilogram).
It is 6,08 kilogram.
1 kilogram = 0.157473044 stones
There are 1000 grams in a Kilogram so there would 15000 grams in 15 Kilos.
1 kilogram = 35.27 ounces 1 ounce = 0.02 kilogram
1 gram = 0.001 kilogram
A "kilo" is a slang term often used in the illegal drug trade and elsewhere to mean one kilogram. "kg" is the abbreviation for kilogram. Thus there are 3.9 kilos in 3.9kg.
0.17 kg 1 kilogram = 35.27 ounces 1 ounce = 0.02 kilogram
66.11 kg 1 kilogram = 35.27 ounces 1 ounce = 0.02 kilogram
0.15 kg 1 kilogram = 35.27 ounces 1 ounce = 0.02 kilogram
1587.33 oz 1 kilogram = 35.27 ounces 1 ounce = 0.02 kilogram