Lanier made a foot pedal for PCs. They made several models. They no longer seem to make these products, or at least their web site doesn't mention them. I can't find any reference to their size.
1 square foot = 929.0304 square centimetres.1 square foot = 929 square centimetres
1 square foot is equal to approximately 0.093 square meters.
A foot is a unit of distance and a square foot is a unit of area !
It is 2925 square feet.
it's not an amount of feet. a square foot is a square, that is a foot by a foot. A foot is a unit of measurement. A square foot is also a unit of measurement. Whenever you measure a length, such as with a tape measure, you are measuring in feet. If you are measuring the area of a shape, you are measuring in square feet.
Linear feet measure length, square feet measure area. Comparison is therefore meaningless.
The area of Lake Lanier is 149.734 square kilometers.
1 square foot = 929.0304 square centimetres.1 square foot = 929 square centimetres
One square foot is 929.03 square centimeters.
1 square foot=0.092 square meters
how many tons of refrigeration need to 9,505 square foot
How many brick pavers in a square foot
One square foot is simply a square with sides 1 foot long
1 square foot is 0.09290304 square meters.
1 square foot is 0.0929 square meters.
1 square foot is 929.03 square centimeters.