2000 lbs is 1 ton 500 lbs is 0.25 ton
1 US Ton is 2000 lbs. So 200 lbs is 0.1 tons or 1/10th of a ton.
There are 2,000 pounds in 1 ton.
One ton is equal to 2,000 pounds.
Do you mean Quintals, a unit of weight equal to 100 lbs. There are 2240 lbs in a ton, 8960 lbs in 4 tons Therefore 896 quintals in 4 tons
2000 lbs=1 ton 1000 lbs=0.5 ton
2000 lbs. equals 1 ton.
British Ton = 2,240 lbs American Ton = 2,000 lbs
1500 lbs There is more than one ton. For the US ton or short ton, it's 1500 lbs. For the imperial ton, or long ton, it's 1680 lbs. For the metric ton, or tonne, it's 1650 lbs.
a US ton = 2000 lbs. a metric ton = 1000 kg = 2200 lbs. > metric tonne = 1000 kilograms = 2204.62 lbs (approx) short ton = 2000 lbs long ton = 2240 lbs
Imperial Ton 2240 lbs. U.,S. Ton 2000 lbs.
The English ton (short ton) is 2000 lbs. Multiply 31200 lbs by 1 ton/2000 lbs and the solution is 15.6 tons.
2000 lbs is 1 ton 500 lbs is 0.25 ton
2000 lbs.
if you are in the USA ----2000 lbs makes a ton.
There are 2,000 pounds in 1 ton.
1 ton = 2,000 lbs, thus 4,900 lbs = 2.45 tons