A litre is a unit of capacity. A foot is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.
There are approximately 4.2 cups in one liter.
There are approximately 28.3168 liters in 1 cubic foot.
There are 0.1 decaliters in one liter.
1 liter = 2.11 pints 1 pint = 0.47 liter
There are 1,000 milliliters in one liter.
One cubic foot = 28.32 L
One cubic foot is about 28.316 liters or 6.228 Imperial gallons.
One cubic foot = 28.32 liters. A liter is always a cubic measurement, so that adjective in unnecessary. 1 cubic foot is 28.316846592 liters.
Liter = 0.0353146667 Cubic Foot
One liter is 1000mL
One liter is one liter or 1 000 mL.
That is approximately 24 cubic feet
1000 milliliters are in one liter
A milliliter is a one thousandth of a liter
One liter is 1,000 cc
There are 1000 milliliters in one liter.