To convert milliliters (mL) to kilograms (kg), you need to know the density of the substance. Without that information, it is not possible to convert 1600mL to kg. It can vary from substance to substance.
There are 0.001 liters in a milliliter.
There are 3.78541 liters in 1gallon
12,000 ml = 12.000 Liters
There are approximately 59.15 liters in 2000 ounces.
1.6L = 1600ml
they are equal, 1000 milliliters = 1 litre
1600mL = about 7 cups (US)
80 fluid ounces is equal to approximately 2.37 liters.
To convert milliliters (mL) to kilograms (kg), you need to know the density of the substance. Without that information, it is not possible to convert 1600mL to kg. It can vary from substance to substance.
There are 4 liters in 4 liters.
.480 liters
?? 2.31 liters!
1.5 liters.
1.23 liters
10 liters.