To convert cubic meters to liters, you can multiply the volume in cubic meters by 1000. Therefore, to convert 30.33 cubic meters to liters, you would multiply 30.33 by 1000 to get 30,330 liters.
1 cubic meter of bio-gas is equivalent to 1000 liters.
There are approximately 28,316.8 liters in 1000 cubic feet.
One liter of gas at 200 bar would expand to approximately 0.2 cubic meters (200 liters) if the pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure (1 bar).
1 standard cubic meter of natural gas is equivalent to approximately 0.74 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) when considering the differences in volume due to the liquefaction process.
Multiply by 1000 0.95 cubic meters = 950 liters
To convert cubic meters to liters, you can multiply the volume in cubic meters by 1000. Therefore, to convert 30.33 cubic meters to liters, you would multiply 30.33 by 1000 to get 30,330 liters.
Multiply cubic meters by 1,000 to get liters.
Each cubic meter comprises 1,000 liters. Therefore, cubic meters x 1,000 = liters.
1 cubic meter of bio-gas is equivalent to 1000 liters.
first you have to fart two liters of gas then you measure it with a ruler and then you find out that two liters of gas make how many cubic centimeters. Nazir Hadaya
There are approximately 28,316.8 liters in 1000 cubic feet.
.10 liters. You can fit 28.32 liters of liquid into a cubic foot. However liquid propane has an expansion ration of 1:270. 28.32 liters divided by 270 = 1 cubic foot of gas/ .104888888
One liter of gas at 200 bar would expand to approximately 0.2 cubic meters (200 liters) if the pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure (1 bar).
Approximately 550-580 liters of liquid gas can be stored in one cubic meter of LPG gas, varying slightly based on the specific composition and density of the LPG.
8.2 liters = 502 good ol American cubic gas guzzling inches! God bless the USA!!
One cubic meter always has 1000 liters, no matter what is inside. On the other hand, 6 bars is approximately 6 times the normal atmospheric pressure, so - according to the ideal gas law - the cubic meter of compressed air would be equivalent to 6 cubic meters of "normal" air.