There are 10 meters in 1000 centimeters.
There are 13.05 feet in 3.98 meters.
There are 1,000 meters in a kilometer.
120,000 meters.
there is 3000 meters in 3 kilometers, because there is 1000 meters in 1 kilometer, kilo means 1000
1000meters=1kilometer, therefore 8kilometers=8000meters
There are 1000 metres in one kilometre. Therefore, 523 metres is equal to 523/1000 = 0.523 kilometres.
1.609344 (rounded)
82,500 centmeters!!! i am the same person who put this question out i went somewhere else and found the answer!!
There are 0.85 Meters in 0.85 Meters.
1000 meters!
1200 meters
How many square meters are there in a room which is eight meters long and six meters wide?
There are 10 meters in 1000 centimeters.