To answer this, it's best to convert the dimensions first. There are 3.2808399 feet in a metre, so we need to divide the values by 3.2808399. That gives us:
13/3.2808399 = 3.9623999939771520091547289460848
15/3.2808399 = 4.571999993050560010563148783944
The next step is to multiply them together as in the original dimensions. That gives us 18.116092744927078013566262160879
Thus 13x15 ft is 18.116m2
1 ft = 0.3048 m (exactly)
⇒ 13 ft x 15 ft = (13 x 0.3048 m) x (15 x 0.3048 m)
= 3.9624 m x 4.572 m
≈ 18.12 m2
There are 10 meters in 1000 centimeters.
There are 13.05 feet in 3.98 meters.
There are 1,000 meters in a kilometer.
120,000 meters.
There are 0.85 Meters in 0.85 Meters.
1000 meters!
1200 meters
How many square meters are there in a room which is eight meters long and six meters wide?
There are 10 meters in 1000 centimeters.
0.015 of them.
There are 0.25 meters in 25cm
how many meters are in 13.5 centimeters
how many meters are in 1 dam
7 meters
There are 4 meters in 4 meters.
30.6 meters = 30.6 meters.