A liter of water weighs almost exactly one kilogram. There are 1000 milliliters in one liter. 827 milliliters divided by 1000 equals 0.827 liters.
So, since a liter of water weighs one kilogram, 0.827 liters would weigh 0.827 kilograms.
827 milliliters of water weighs 0.827 kilograms.
1 liter of water under the right conditions (4°C) has a mass of 1 kg.
So, consistent with our customary standards of precision and accuracy here,
we shall assume that 37.2 kg of water has a volume of 37.2 liters.
1.000 liter = 1 000 milliliters
37.2 kg = 37.2 liters.
37.2 liters = 37 200 milliliters
There are 3,000 milliliters in 3 liters.
The conversion between kilograms (kg) and milliliters (ml) depends on the substance's density. This is because kilograms measure mass, while milliliters measure volume. You will need to know the substance's density in order to convert between the two units.
2839.06 ml 1 quart = 946.35 milliliters 1 milliliter = 0.001 quart
1 US gallon = 3 785.4118 milliliters
There are 3000 milliliters in 3 liters.
1 tablespoon is equal to 15 milliliters so 3 tablespoons of water is 45 milliliters.
1 liter = 1000 milliliters (mille is Latin for 1000) 3 liters = 3000 milliliters
3 centiliters = 30 milliliters
There are 1,000 milliliters in one liter, so 750 ml = 3/4 liters or .75 liters
36 ml
Both 3 kg and 7 kg of water have the same density because the density of water is constant at approximately 1000 kg/m^3 regardless of the amount of water.
There are 3,000 milliliters in 3 liters.
170 milliliters is about 3/4 cup.
Three milliliters is 3000µL (microliters)
3 hl = 300 liters = 300 000 milliliters
To convert cubic centimeters (cc) to kilograms (kg), you need to know the density of the substance in question. Density is typically measured in kg per cubic centimeter (kg/cm^3). Once you have the density, you can multiply the volume in cc by the density to get the mass in kg. Without knowing the substance's density, it is not possible to provide a direct conversion from cc to kg.
2.99 kg at 20 deg C.