That depends:
1 AU (astronomical unit) is approximately equal to 8.3 light minutes. This is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun.
This cannot be properly answered because light-minutes is a measure of distance not time.On that note, 8.31 light-minutes is a distance of 92,880,403.2 miles. This happens to be the approximate average distance from the earth to the sun.
Light travels at a speed of approximately 186,282 miles per second. In 17 minutes, light would travel approximately 62,687,700 miles.
1 light second = 186,282 miles1 light minute = 60 light seconds = 11,176,920 miles1 mile = 8.947 x 10-8 = 0.00000008947 light minute (rounded)
At the time of the June solstice, the time between sunrise and sunset at Ketchikan, Alaska is 17 hours and 28 minutes. On that day, sunrise is at 4:04 AM AKDT, and sunset is at 9:32 PM AKDT.
10s seconds
There are 2.4 minutes left
From sunrise to sunset is about nine hours and about fifteen minutes. This doesn't include the twilight before sunrise or after sunset (about thirty minutes or so on each end).
1 hour = 60 minutes.
There are many factors that influence the colors of a sunset. The Earth's atmosphere and traveling light are the two key factors. The atmosphere contains many particles of dust and water, and light reflects off of the particles in all directions. The size of the particles and light wavelengths influence the colors we see in the sunset.
32 Minutes are left.
500,000,000 miles is about 44.73 light-minutes.
6.015 light minutes away from the sun
100 minutes = 1 hour and 40 minutes
how many, because you can count it. If you can't count something like sugar, use how much
6 light-minutes is approximately 107,925,284.88 km