One pint is equal to 473 ml. Half a pint would therefore be equal to 236.5 ml.
One pint is equal to 473.2 milliliters. One pint is also equal in measurement to 2 cups, 0.125 gallons, and 0.5 quarts.
There are 236.6 milliliters in half a pint of cream.
450 mL equates to about 0.951 US liquid pints or 0.791 UK pints.
One US liquid pint = about 473.18 mL
One pint is equal to 473 ml. Half a pint would therefore be equal to 236.5 ml.
One pint is equal to 473.2 milliliters. One pint is also equal in measurement to 2 cups, 0.125 gallons, and 0.5 quarts.
one pint will be equal to 473.176 millilitres
1 US pint is 473 ml
There are 236.6 milliliters in half a pint of cream.
1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml
450 mL equates to about 0.951 US liquid pints or 0.791 UK pints.
One US liquid pint = about 473.18 mL
One UK pint is about 568.26 mL.
No, 375 ml is not equivalent to a pint. A pint is equal to 473 ml, so 375 ml is less than a pint.
1 Pint = 473.176 ml
1 US pint = 473.17 ml 1 UK or imperial pt = 568.26 ml