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8mo ago

It is recommended to have no more than 3-4 mollies in a 6 gallon aquarium to ensure they have enough space to swim and thrive. Overcrowding can lead to stress, aggression, and poor water quality.

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Q: How many mollies can you put in a 6 gallon aqurium?
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How big do baby mollies have to be to put back with adults?

an inch

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they will do fine together just make sure that you have at least one gallon per fish! you could get at least six of each unless you want to put some others in there or if you already have some in there

Can you put something in with a guppy fish?

Platies and Mollies go great with guppies!

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I have a 55 gallon tank with a large pleco, some mollies, a rainbow shark, a red fin shark, an albino clawed frog, a beta fish, and two dojo loaches. Can I put an eel in there? Like a zig zag?

How many ounces do you put in 1 gallon if a gal treats a 100 gallon?

Use 1.28 fluid ounces in one gallon.

How many betta's can you put in a one gallon tank?


How many fish can you put in a 1 gallon aquarium?


What kind of fish will be easy to breed and will get along with your other fish if you have a 10-gallon aquarium with a betta angelfish molly sepae tetra and a cleaner?

You don't! What you do is get a 55 gallon tank because angelfish won't be happy in a 10 gallon tank, and then you take the betta out of the tank (it will fight with your other fish) and just get more mollies and put lots of hiding places in the tank so the babies will live.

How often do mollys breed?

They breed every 4 weeks and they can have up to 4-123 babies. Put in lots of plants so the baby Mollies can hide from the other fish in the tank. Separate the baby mollies in a 2+ gallon tank and feed them crushed algae flake food 4 times a day.

How many ghost shrimp can you put in a 1 gallon tank?