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Q: How many people equals 1 representative?
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How much population equals 1 representative?

About one representative for every 30K people

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How many people are there in electorate?

538. 1 for each senator and representative, and 3 for the District of Columbia

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538. 1 for each senator and representative, and 3 for the District of Columbia

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A states representation in the house of representative's is based on?

It is based upon the percentage of population it has relative to the entire United States. This is roughly about 1 representative for each 360,000 people. So a state with 400,000 people would get one representative, a state with 3 1/2 million would get about 10, and so on. Each ten years that the census shows how many people are in each state, a state can gain or lose representatives.

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1000ml equals 1 litre 10cl equals 1 litre So 100ml equals 1 centilitres

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How many sessions do the representatives of the house of representatives get per year?

It depends on the population of the state. It is 1 representative per about 600,000 people. So if you lose population you might lose a representative. If you gain population, you will get more representatives.