In the United States, 1 pint is 16 fluid ounces which is equal to one pound (also 16 ounces). This only works for water however as it has a density of 1. For anything else this would be incorrect as a pint is a unit of volume and a pound is a unit of weight.
In the rest of the English speaking world, an Imperial Pint (which is 20 Imperal Ounces) will weigh one and a quarter pounds.
Note that a pint is 16 ounces of volume, while a pound is 16 ounces of mass. The popular rhyme "A pint's a pound, the world around" can help you remember this, but keep in mind that they're not really equivalent, and that this is not true "the world around", but only in the U.S.
There are 8 pints in a pound, so 720 pounds would be 5760 pints.
A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter (20 ounces).
There are approximately 2 pints in 1 pound of water, so 1.5 pounds of water would be roughly 3 pints.
It depends on the cut of meat and how it is cut up. Pints are a measure of liquid volume. Meat is measured in pounds which is a measure of weight/mass. They don't convert directly because of density.
No, 6 cups is equivalent to 3 pints. Each pint is equal to 2 cups.
A pint is a pound the world around!
10 i guess
There are 8 pints in a pound, so 720 pounds would be 5760 pints.
A quart is 2 pints. A pound of ricotta is 1 pint or 1/2 a quart.
A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter (20 ounces).
There are approximately 2 pints in 1 pound of water, so 1.5 pounds of water would be roughly 3 pints.
We need to know what liquid is being weighed.
It depends on the cut of meat and how it is cut up. Pints are a measure of liquid volume. Meat is measured in pounds which is a measure of weight/mass. They don't convert directly because of density.
Well, honey, there are 2 pints in a pound of sour cream. So if you're looking to whip up a recipe that calls for a pound of the good stuff, you better have those 2 pints ready to go. Just remember, a little sour cream never hurt nobody!
A quart equals 1 and 1/2 pounds
"A pint's a pound the world around." 1 pint = 16 oz. 4 pints = 64 oz.