There are 5 pounds in 80 ounces. This conversion is based on the fact that 1 pound is equivalent to 16 ounces. Therefore, dividing 80 ounces by 16 gives you 5 pounds.
6 pounds 3 ounces = 99 ounces
4 ounces plus 2 ounces is a total of 6 ounces.
There are approximately 36 teaspoons in 6 ounces
There are approximately 177.44 cc in 6 ounces of soup.
222pounds, 16x16=222
a little less than two pounds.
i am 70
there are 96 ounces in 6 pounds.
4 pounds 6 ounces = 70 ounces
70 ounces
6 pounds = 96 ounces
6 ounces.
96 ounces.
6 pounds at birth how many ounces did she weight?
38 ounces
6lbs * 16oz/lb= 96 ounces in 6 pounds96/6 = 16 groups of 6 ounces in 6 pounds