One pint is equal to 0.5 quarts. So, half a pint is equal to 0.25 quarts.
1 quart = 2 pints 1 pint = 0.5 quart
One thousand and a half pints is equal to 500 quarts, since there are 2 pints in a quart.
One U.S. pint is the same as 0.5, or 1/2, U.S. quarts, so there is half a quart in one pint.
One pint is 16 ounces. One quart is 32 ounces. Therefore, two pints equal a quart.
One pint is equal to 0.5 quarts. So, half a pint is equal to 0.25 quarts.
1 pint
A pint is exactly one half of a quart, and there are four quarts in a gallon.
There are two pints in a quart therefore half a quart in a pint.
No. Half a quart (0.5 quarts) equals one pint.
2 pints = 1 quart
what is one half of a quart it is equivelant to one PINT = 568ml
1 quart = 2 pints 1 pint = 0.5 quart
One thousand and a half pints is equal to 500 quarts, since there are 2 pints in a quart.
1 cup in a half pint.
One US pint is equal to half a US quart. Thus, four pints is the equivalent of two quarts. When donors in the US give blood, they typically donate one pint.
One Pint is equal to One half a quart. So, if you had 50 jars of jam, you would only need 25 quarts of blueberries.