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It takes 8 minutes to get to earth, and closer to half an hour to get to Jupiter.

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9mo ago

It takes sunlight approximately 43 minutes to travel from the Sun to Jupiter, which is about 484 million miles away on average.

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Q: How many seconds does it take sunlight to get to Jupiter?
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If the sun suddenly ceased to shine how long would it take Jupiter to become dark?

If the sun suddenly stopped shining, it would take about 43 minutes for Jupiter to become dark, as that is how long it takes for sunlight to reach Jupiter. Jupiter's moons would also become dark since they rely on the sun's light for illumination.

How long does it take reflected light from Jupiter to reach the earth?

Jupiter and Earth are not always the same distance apart. At their closest, it would take about 1.96 seconds. At their furthest, about 3.22 seconds.

How long does it take for a beam of sunlight to reach earth?

8 seconds

How many minuets does it take sunlight (in minuets) to travel from the sun to the earth?

Sunlight takes approximately 8 minutes 20 seconds to make the 93 million mile journey.

How many times does it take for sunlight to travel from sun to earth?

It takes approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds for sunlight to travel from the sun to the Earth at the speed of light.

How long does it take for sunlight to get from the sun to the earth?

8 Minutes 19 Seconds.

How many minutes does it take for the sunlight to cross 93 million miles?

Sunlight takes around 8 minutes and 20 seconds to cross the 93 million miles from the Sun to Earth.

How many minutes dose it take sunlight to cross 93 million miles to reach Earth?

It takes approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds for sunlight to travel 93 million miles from the sun to Earth.

How many time do sunshine's take to reach at earth?

Sunlight takes approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth.

How long does it take sunlight to get to ganymede?

Ganymede is Jupiter's largest moon, and Jupiter sits nearly 800 million kilometers from the sun. The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. So do the math and you'll see that it takes about 43 minutes for sunlight to reach Ganymede from its source.

How many seconds does it take sunlight to reach earth?

With the average distance or "mean" distance from the Earth to the sun set at approximately 93,000,000 miles, and the speed of light at about 186,000 miles per second; the time in seconds it takes sunlight to reach the earth is appoximately "500 seconds". Most people refer to the time in minutes which would be about 8.333333 minutes.

How many hours does it take to get to Jupiter?

How long it takes for you to get there.