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8mo ago

A typical pint of jam contains about 8 servings. This can vary slightly depending on the brand and the size of each serving.

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12 cups are 6 pints. In US measure, 1 pint = 2 cups And 1 cup = 0.5 pint. There are 16 US fluid ounces, 2 cups in 1 US pint (473.2 ml). Although there are 20 Imperial fluid ounces in 1 Imperial pint (568.3 ml), the Imperial system does not have cups, so it is best to use half pints.

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The United States Department of Agriculture says half a cup of fruit is one serving. Since there are two cups in a pint, there are four half-cup servings in a pint. Livestrong:

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There are 16 cups in 1 gallon. Therefore, there are 16 one-cup servings in 1 gallon.

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One Pint is equal to One half a quart. So, if you had 50 jars of jam, you would only need 25 quarts of blueberries.

How many servings of ice cream are in a pint?

Usually the label will say 4 servings of 1/2 cup each. You probably want to measure your portion because people tend to eat more like 1 whole cup, in which case you have to double the calories listed 'per serving'.