It is 8 servings.
There are 16 servings in 2 quarts of Kool-Aid, as 1 quart typically makes 8 servings.
There are 4 eight-ounce servings of juice in one quart.
16 8-ounce servings per gallon. (1 gallon is 128 fl oz.)
There are approximately 14 four-ounce servings in 3.5 lbs. 3.5 lbs is equal to 56 ounces, and when divided by 4 ounces per serving, it equals 14 servings.
A normal serving is one 8-ounce glass, which is 240 ml. There are around eight of these servings in a 2-liter bottle.
3 to 5 servings
8 servings
It is 8 servings.
That is 4 servings
How many servings in 3 pounds of grapes
That is 4.25 servings
5 - 7 servings
33.8 servings
2 full servings or 2.96 total servings
how many servings of coca-cola were consumed in 1994?
10 servings.