Significant figures are basically the amount of digits in a number.
2.576 has 4 significant figures
32.545 has 5 significant figures
Zeroes before the first non-zero digit and after the last non-zero digit are not counted as significant figures.
0067.4 has 3 significant figures
67.400 has 3 significant figures
0067.400 has 3 significant figures.
In case of thermometer measurement of normal temperatures maximum three digits are significant because most of the thermometers indicate one digit after decimal; as 37.4.
Temperatures are typically measured with 1-2 significant figures, as precision beyond that is usually not needed for everyday purposes. However, in scientific contexts, temperatures can be measured with more significant figures depending on the sensitivity of the measuring instrument.
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
4 significant figures.
4487 has four significant figures.
101330 has 6 significant figures.
4 significant figures.
How many significant figures are in 20.8
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
4 significant figures.
There are four significant figures in 0.1111.
3 significant figures.
4487 has four significant figures.
There are four significant figures in 0.005120.
0.0375 has three significant figures.
101330 has 6 significant figures.
How many significant figures are in 13001kg
4 significant figures.
There are four significant figures in .007001