Exact numbers have an unlimited number of significant figures. For example with numbers like one dozen it is exactly 12.0000000000 with the zeroes repeating forever because numbers such as one dozen are defined as precisely 12 things. Just as one dollar is exactly 100 pennies and so on.
The value 24.503 has 5 significant figures.
There are four significant figures in 47.10. The non-zero digits (4 and 7) are significant, as well as the zeroes following the decimal point.
Two - the trailing zeros are just placeholders.
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
4 significant figures.
Five significant figures.
4 significant figures.
10 significant figures.
The value 24.503 has 5 significant figures.
3 of them.
2 significant figures.
5 of them.